Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away

As if I haven't had enough pain and disappointment recently, my Barry goes and does this:

'Copacabana' Singer Calls Conservative Co-Host 'Dangerous'
By Dean Goodman, Reuters

"Pop singer Barry Manilow, a major Democratic fundraiser, said on Monday he has scrapped plans to appear on the television talk show "The View," because he did not want to be interviewed by its conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Manilow was scheduled to appear on the ABC morning show Tuesday, the same day his new album, "The Greatest Songs of the Seventies" hits stores. But those plans fell through because of his issues with Elisabeth Hasselbeck, an abortion opponent and supporter of the Iraq war.

"I had made a request that I be interviewed by (co-hosts) Joy (Behar), Barbara (Walters) or Whoopi (Goldberg), but not Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Unfortunately, the show was not willing to accommodate this simple request so I bowed out," he said in a statement on his Web site.

Is this what celebrities think they can do now? "I'd be happy to go on Hannity and Colms, but don't let the jerk on the right interview me. His views are dangerous and offensive.I'll answer questions from the guy on the left." Or "Sure, I'll go on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, but don't let that big Irish guy interview me. He is offensive. Have the drummer interview, or better yet, bring that chubby guy back. He was funny, and he doesn't offend my delicate sensibilities."

"It's really too bad because I've always been a big supporter of the show, but I cannot compromise my beliefs." Yeah, bummer for you they already have a format for this program.

In an earlier statement to the news Web site TMZ.com, which broke the news, Manilow said Hasselbeck was "dangerous" and "offensive."

But a source close to "The View" said "we canceled him," because producers refused to comply with Manilow's "completely disrespectful" demands.

The source told Reuters that Manilow had appeared on the show twice in the past year when Hasselbeck was present, and had been booked for Tuesday's appearance since July. The source could not think of a similar incident with another guest happening in the past."

Since when has my Barry been a political figure? I kind of always thought that he was too busy writing the songs and standing on the edge of time to be an active citizen and all. I admit that he breaks my heart posturing on the wrong side of the aisle, and I'm not that kind of woman who "has to watch what the ladies are going to do" every morning on the View ... but I think it's pretty ridiculous to cancel a national spot simply because you don't like the views of one of the hosts. I mean, did his PR rep not tell him that the show is called "The View"? Did this rep also forget to mention what a sissy he would look like if he canceled? I just don't get it.

"Manilow has been a generous contributor to Democratic Party candidates, according to data compiled by the Federal Election Commission.

This year, he contributed the maximum-allowable $2,300 each to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joseph Biden, and John Edwards, as well as to Ron Paul, a maverick Texas Republican."

Ron Paul drives me insane.

He has also been a big supporter over the years of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, a California lawmaker on the left wing of the Democratic Party.

Barry, come on! Barbara Boxer?!?! Uuuuuhhhhh ... this is worse than Hilary. But not as bad as Nancy Pelosi. If this article had mentioned Nancy, I might have had to give up my official Fanilow status. *Phew* Close call!

As it stands, though, I am disappointed. Very disappointed.


vegas said...

so i almost had to revoke my subscription to your blog when i noticed the subject matter. Understanding that this young man was reverently raised on Manilow and even went to prom with a girl amed Mandy just for added closeness... I love the music but disagree with the man? Wait, that sounds familiar - love the sinner... oh crap!?!
Anyway, I share your thoughts and frustrations on the issue.

Amo Ergo Sum said...

Fret not, faithful Fanilow. No need to cancel your subscription to my blog (especially because I only have 4 and a half readers; I really can't afford to lose any of you). And I don't get me wrong: I like Mandy and Daybreak, but I'm partial to Weekend in New England. I lipsynched that song at my second grade variety show. (Variety show?! That's right, you heard me.)