Sunday, March 9, 2008

a note for the peanut gallery

Just want to let you know that I've changed the settings for comment moderation and now anyone can make a comment, even if you don't have a Blogger account.

This is going to be fierce!


Anonymous said...


i feel so free. and i promise not to steal your screenplay. you know i'm not creative enough to ever do anything with it, were i ever to try.

just a question: did it occur to you that the best way to avoid plagarism is to hide the work from the curious eyes of the masses?

yeah, me neither. ; )

Amo Ergo Sum said...

I guess I view legal action the way I viewed school loans: I'm up to my ears in it anyway, so what's one more?

Plus, according to Dr. Phil, I am vain and self-centered, so I need large and continual doses of attention and compliments. Please don't look so surprised.