Saturday, August 1, 2009

Suddenly, religion and politics are the only things safe for me to talk about.

I just got back here, and I'm already stuck.

Friends, it's not that I don't have anything to talk or write about. Heaven knows (and my sister knows) that I have way too much to talk about and an unfortunate lack of awareness about when to shut up. Still, when I sit down to pound out a couple of thoughts on Le Blog, I keep coming out with things in the Very Bad To Blog About In Front Of The Whole World category. These things include, but are not limited to, the following:

The divorce. 'Nuff said.

The economy, or rather, MY economy.

Drama in my apartment complex. Seriously, we make Melrose Place look like an after school special.

Past flames. Oy vey.

Parenting snafus or mishaps. Because I am perfect, or rather, because I am smart enough not to document my own mistakes.

The Cubs.

So, Faithful Few, this is where you come in! I need YOUR ideas about what to write about! I did this once before, way back in the day, and it was fun. Just leave a comment with a suggestion or two about what you'd like to see here in the days ahead, and I will do my level best to deliver something palatable. I only request that you keep it clean. For the kids.

This is gonna be fun.


Shauna said...

"How I met Kathleen" stories?

Lynn said...

I don't know, is it really such a bad thing to make everything public. I say you might as well use this blog like a journal.

Lynn said...

What about writing about things that you feel you've done well as a parent. Not like tooting your own horn but you know how sometimes you have those moments where kids will let you know that you've succeeded at something, like when Josie told me, "I like it when Mommy holds me, she feels so good." Those sorts of things would be fun. Or Anna stories are always good.

Daniel said...

What about the "Kathleen ideal" on topic X, Y, and Z? If you could change it what would you do?