Saturday, December 12, 2009

This is what it means to be happy

My friend asked me today, "Does getting older bother you?"

"Not at all," I answered immediately. "I embrace it." After a moment, I continued the thought. "I hated my twenties. Turning thirty felt like a rite of passage. I remember saying, 'Now I don't have to be twenty-anything anymore.' I am just convinced that the best is yet to come."

"I can see, for you, that that's true," she remarked.

"Yeah, I really believe it is. I don't mind getting older because I'm truly enjoying my life right now, just for what it is. There are things that I would change if I could, but I embrace things for what they are. Even with the things that I would change, I am finding the good that is available to me there. That is the difference between just surviving and really living. And there is still so much to look forward to."

[Dear reader, I think it can be this way for you, too.]

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Amen to that, soul sista!