Saturday, February 20, 2010

Open Heart

Whether we know it or not
We are all broken
We all have hearts that are broken and need repair
Split and torn, sustaining us in our ruin
We feel it but cannot see it
Until one day when the pieces shatter and the truth is revealed

Only You, God
Only You heal our broken hearts
Come soon come now with your hands strong and warm
Come peel back the layers and bind us again
Seal the leaks and mend the tears
Take our hearts cold and massage them until they burn
Redirect our inner path of life so that You flow within us
And renew us so that we are new
Breathe within us Your true life, O God
For where You wound, You bind and heal again
You will heal us again and again so that no evil can touch us

When we are healed, we are whole
And we will dance and and play and run