Monday, July 21, 2008

I've never felt more like Rod Dreher in my life!

Let's clarify just a couple of things before we move on:

First of all, thanks for all the very sweet comments! You guys are very kind. You may not believe it though it's true, but I actually did not post my recent rant in order to receive any accolades or encouragement for myself. I was, in fact, very angry and wanted to hear what all 12 of my loyal readers had to say.

That being said, far be it from me to turn down or away from any pat on the back. Those who know me are aware that my engine runs almost entirely on aggrandizing, so please, feel ever free to send me on my next ego trip!!

Finally, I came across a fascinating interview with Andrew Stanton, the director of WALL-E, and his comments tie in very nicely with all of this. Here is a bite of what he has to say, but you should definitely read the whole article:

"WORLD: How does WALL•E represent your singular vision?

STANTON: Well, what really interested me was the idea of the most human thing in the universe being a machine because it has more interest in finding out what the point of living is than actual people. The greatest commandment Christ gives us is to love, but that's not always our priority. So I came up with this premise that could demonstrate what I was trying to say—that irrational love defeats the world's programming. You've got these two robots that are trying to go above their basest directives, literally their programming, to experience love.

With the human characters I wanted to show that our programming is the routines and habits that distract us to the point that we're not really making connections to the people next to us. We're not engaging in relationships, which are the point of living—relationship with God and relationship with other people."

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