Sunday, August 23, 2009

From the Front Lines: Kindergarten Update #2

Quick post tonight, as I am trying very hard to adjust to the new morning routine of a family with school children and must to get to bed soon. Dark thirty comes awful early.

Anna started school on Tuesday. She rode the bus her first day, and true to form, she did not look back once when she got on. The fingers of her future gripped my heart as the bus pulled away. I got the distinct sense that, if I blinked, I would open my eyes to see her driving off in her honeymoon limo. Gratefully, time is suspended and I haven't opened my eyes yet.

Noah was a bit lost without his sister that morning, and so was I. He offered twice to go pick her up before school was even out. We baked cookies to pass the time. And watched Spongebob. Because I'm just that kinda mom.

The next day, on Wednesday, tornadoes hit our area right before 3:00, and my poor girl had to endure a tornado drill on her second day of school! All of the kids were fine, but the report from the front lines came back that, after a few minutes, she refused to stay in the turtle position. I guess she figured that, if it hadn't gotten her by then, it wasn't going to! No, there's no use in conjecture. That's just who she is. I love her for it.

Finally, she tells me that school is a lot of fun, and she really likes going every day. There is a "cute boy" named Matthew who seems to come up in quite a few conversations now. She also "made an alliance" with Benjamin and Olivia (pretty sure I didn't know what an alliance was in kindergarten) but this alliance has apparently been abandoned because they all decided to "just be friends." I am sore afraid.

I have a feeling that Anna will give me enough material to keep all seven of you entertained for the next 8 months! Probably for the next 13 years.


Frau Johnson said...

There are actually eight of us. And its great stuff. Really enjoyable reads!!

Amo Ergo Sum said...

Hey lady! Can't believe you took the time to check out my little blog. I'm so touched. God bless you and your family and your very important work! I will return the favor and check out your stuff really soon ... looks like you are reaching a wide audience!